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”In the networking organization Facilitatortræf Danmark (Facilitator Meet Up Denmark) we have made use of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke’s meeting rooms, not to mention their back yard, at Fælledvej for our annual conference in August for the past couple of years.

At these meetings 80-100 people gather to participate in workshops and knowledge sharing for a full day, and we appreciate the flexibility of the rooms' interior design, the central location in Nørrebro, the informal atmosphere, the great food service and the overall forthcomingness and hospitality that Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke shows us.

That includes everyone from the collaboration partners in the office to employees you meet in the yard who are always available and happy to help, show you directions or simply wish you a “nice day”. I can certainly give them my warmest recommendations.”
- Rikke Gielsson, Facilitatortræf Danmark